Here are some insights on how the seating works at the Tokyo Summer Games in 2021 and some things to consider when selecting your seats.
The Summer Games Committee has designated seating at each stadium into 4 separate seating categories (Category A, B, C, and D).
Every Summer Games Venue will be set up differently depending on the event. So what I am about to go through is generally how the Categories map to seat locations in the venue.
- Category C/D Entry level seating to the event. Generally located on the ends either upper or lower level
- Category B Generally located in the corners of the stadium either upper or lower level
- Category A Generally located along the sidelines either upper or lower level
Premium Category A (For the most discerning sports fan) – These are Category A seats located in the most prime areas of the stadium, along the sidelines and in the lower level. This category may not be available for all Events.
2 Most Important Things to consider in selecting seats:`
- Type of event you are watching
- Size of venue
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